Cover Reveal – FLESH AND FIRE


Here we are friends, the front cover reveal of my debut, FLESH AND FIRE. The release date is April 22nd, and it comes to you as part of Journalstone’s Double Down series with DARK OF NIGHT, a new novella from Jonathan Maberry and Rachael Lavin.

Back cover copy for FLESH AND FIRE: In the midst of a midlife crisis, Todd is haunted by Chloe, the lover who died not long after their relationship ended. When Chloe escapes Hell in search of the peaceful rest that has eluded her, a demon named Samael is on her trail and she needs Todd’s help. While on the run Todd and Chloe face demons real and personal, soul-threatening danger, and their long-buried feelings for each other.

Jonathan and Rachel’s piece brings together Joe Ledger, Dez Fox (DEAD OF NIGHT), and Rachael Elle (BITS AND PIECES) into one adventure.


With the pub date getting closer, I’m getting more and more excited. The icing on the cake through all of this is this awesome blurb from one of my favorite working writers, Lee Thompson.

“FLESH AND FIRE is riveting and irresistible. Filled with horrors and delights, it asks the ultimate question: Can love conquer all?” – Lee Thompson (Author of WHEN WE JOIN JESUS IN HELL and AFTER THE FOG CLEARS)

The book should be up for preorder sometime this week so stay tuned.

What I’ve been up to…

There has been much afoot in my world over the last month. Jean and I were married on August 14th and went on an epic honeymoon that took us on a road trip to Nashville, TN, Tyler, San Antonio, Austin (Texas), New Orleans, and Myrtle Beach. It was a great trip, and it was nice to have a new place to move into upon our return. I don’t have internet in the new place yet, which is why you haven’t seen a whole lot of me lately, but on the flip side, I have gotten a lot of work done…

FLESH & FIRE, my novella, is damn near ready for submission. It follows the story of Todd, a successful, middle-aged family man who feels ultimately unfulfilled. One day on the way to work, he runs into his ex, who’s been dead for thirty years and is on the run from Hell.

My short story GOBLINS is also close to being completely edited. This will be published on Smashwords next month and will come with a soundtrack (composed by me, with some assistance from James Anderson who also did the cover art). The story concerns Connor and Christine, a brother and sister, who travel to a remote Southern town in search of Christine’s wayward husband. They find that he has become the high priest of a cult of Goblins. Expect it around Halloween.

In other news, tomorrow I will get a sneak preview of the STRAW DOGS remake and will review it for the excellent Cinedelphia website. I’ve been rocking hard to Christopher Sean Inlow’s (aka Slo Frank, aka Muzzy in DEER CROSSING) excellent band Above the Silence, reading my review copy of Jonathan Maberry’s DEAD OF NIGHT and getting ready for LUCAS MANGUM’S AWESOME READING FEST 3D this Saturday at the Doylestown Bookshop.

So, all in all I’ve been busy, but damned if I’m not having fun…